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Bettie Page


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Interesting thread on this WWII heartthrob. Here's some data.....

Full name: Bettie Mae Page
Birth date: April 22, 1923
Born: Nashville, Tennessee
Height: 5 feet 5 1/2 inches
Marriages: Billy Neal (1943 - 1947), Armond Walterson (1958 - 1963) and Harry Lear (1967 - 1972)
Children: none
Hair color: black
Eye color: blue-gray
Measurements: 36-23-35
Education: Bachelor of Arts degree from Peabody College
Favorite actress: Bette Davis in Dark Victory

:: In 1955 she won the title "Miss Pin-up Girl of the World."

:: In January 1955, she was the centerfold in Playboy’s January issue.

:: She was nicknamed the "Girl with the Perfect Figure."

And some more pics of "Notorious" Bettie page.... ;)
