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Amber Lancaster


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Birth Name
Amber Leigh Lancaster

5' 5" (1.65 m)

Mini Biography
Amber grew up as an only child in Tacoma, WA. A dancer and natural performer from the beginning, at the age of 6, she would put on free "talent shows" for her neighborhood and travel to nursing homes to entertain and make friends. Her younger efforts paid off as she later gained a coveted position as a professional dancer for the Seattle Seahawks.

Since moving to Los Angeles to pursue acting, she has worked as a model on the longest running game show in television history, "The Price is Right", made guest appearances on hit television shows such as HBO's "Entourage", and is a series regular on MTV's scripted comedy, "The Hard Times of RJ Berger" where she plays dream girl Jenny Swanson, the love interest to the lead character RJ.

In her spare time she enjoys cooking, going to the beach, scouring a thrift store, discovering new music, or catching a football game. Amber is a supporter of the ASPCA, Special Olympics, Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, NBA Cares, Safehaven, and works with local battered women and children's shelters.
