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Not Ariel Winter Possible Topless


Senior Member
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
I think it's her! Look at the birthmark in the middle of the neck, and compare it to this pic...


The only reason I'd say not is on account of the fact that she had a reduction not that long ago, and there are virtually no signs of this girl having reduction surgery.. a mole is easily shooped in.

Not convinced.

Edit: not only that, but look at the eyebrows from post #93.. nowhere near the same. I call fake.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
The only reason I'd say not is on account of the fact that she had a reduction not that long ago, and there are virtually no signs of this girl having reduction surgery.. a mole is easily shooped in.

Not convinced.

Edit: not only that, but look at the eyebrows from post #93.. nowhere near the same. I call fake.

Touche bro, you were right! Well played sir.


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Remember folks, the picture and vid threads aren't for discussions. I'm in a good mood today so no points (especially since it went unnoticed for so long), but next time, start a thread here and/or report the post for us mods.