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Virus on Kate Upton thread


Registered User
Sep 17, 2015
Reaction score
I clicked on the Kate Upton thread and then on one of the pictures, a pop-up appeared which I could not click out of. A voice said that all my personal information including my banking info and my browsing history would be emailed to all my email friends I have and stated I needed to contact a phone number for someone to walk me through removing this message. I shut my computer down and restarted it and knowing it was a scam, do you not have security software on this site that would prevent this crap from being Dead Link Removed? I am obviously asking for my account to be deleted. My user name is Happyflasher, just hoping I can get out of this without my computer crashing and yes I have an anti-virus program.


Taylor Swift's Secret Shame
Jul 4, 2010
Reaction score
Welcome to the internets, n00b. That bit of naughty code would have been located where the picture is hosted, a completely separate site from this one and outside of the mods control. Most of us are running adblockers and other security software that knocks out most of that crap, but some slips through. Is that really the first time you've hit one? Wow. The mind boggles. You should not just shut down your machine after seeing one of those, you should stick it in your dishwasher for a scrub, just to be sure. Use only half as much soap as normal though, it'll be fine. o_O


The Resident Lady of Leisure
Staff Alumn
Jan 11, 2007
Reaction score
I moved this thread to the Tech-Talk sub-category. This seems to be better suited for it since PC virus is actually technology...albeit sucky tech. lol