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Vanessa Angel

Steve Old Boy

May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Vanessa Angel: Kingpin squeeze

Rubbing out the soreness after Woody Harrelson does a speedbag workout with her cans. That part was fake; these look real again - and really nice.

In the widescreen version, there's also a brief look at Vanessa bouncing as she runs across the parking lot.

Here's a follow up post w/ animated GIFs
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Steve Old Boy

May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Vanessa Angel: Kingpin (animated GIFs)

Vanessa's lovely breasts on display again (1996), poking and jiggling in a bikini...

Popping through her bra and shirt during the fight scene - apparently it was a cool evening...

Finally she bounces across the parking lot and gives them a nice squeeze - here's an earlier post w/ some bitmaps.