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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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541MB Aubrey Plaza + Kate Micucci & Others - TheLittleHours+~01:21:27 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 2017)~A tale about the sex-lives in a middle ages Convent with a nun/witches coven~




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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 01:21:27 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

A 'modern look' at a story set in 1347 about a servant who's fleeing from
his master & takes refuge in a convent full of emotionally unstable nuns.
There, he is introduced as a deaf mute man & must maintain his cover as a deaf
mute, while one of the sisters' tries to resist her sexual temptations that he's awoken.

With Aubrey :razz: as deviant sister Fernanda, Kate :razz: as sister Ginerva, Alison Brie :razz:
as wicked sister Alessandra, Molly Shannon :razz: as Mother Marea, John C. Reilly :cool: as
Father Tommasso, Nick Offerman :cool: as Lord Bruno & Fred Armisen :cool: as the Bishop...

D/L links refreshed 7/3/18
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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85.7MB Gillian Anderson - Straightheads++~5:04 HD 1152X864p
(circa 2007)~Aka, 'Closure'; With an assault & brutal gang r@p3~



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HQ~@~Fullscreen~HD~1152X864 5:04 48000kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

~Sexalicious strawberry blonde, American born Gillian with a hot British accent~

After the installation of an security camera system by the voyeuristic
23 year-old Adam, in Alice's~Gillian :razz: fancy upper-class apartment.
The sexy-middle-aged Alice invites Adam to go with her to her bosses
open house party in the countryside. While driving back home on a back
road in the middle of the night. Alice hits a deer & the couple stops the
car to remove the wounded animal from the road. However, a van stops
& a gang brutally assaults Adam & rapes Alice. One month later, Adam
is impotent with Alice & he has scars on his face & one blinded eye. They
plan revenge but find themselves conflicted about carrying out their plans...

[++Plus 2 Gillian Anderson Wallpapers++]


Thx2> original creators/posters for the wallpapers
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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578MB Meg Ryan & Billy Crystal - WhenHarryMetSally+~01:29:53 HQ~SD 720X400p

578MB Meg Ryan & Billy Crystal - WhenHarryMetSally+~01:29:53 HQ~SD 720X400p
(circa 1989)~Can men and women be close friends or will sex always get in the way~



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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X400 01:29:53 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:
D/L Links Refreshed 8/20/19

Harry-Billy :cool: and Sally~Meg :razz: meet when Sally gives Harry a ride to
New York after they've both have just graduated from the University of Chicago.
The film jumps through their lives as they both search for love, but fail...Bumping
into each other time and again. Finally a close friendship blooms between them, they
like having a friend of the opposite sex. But then they are confronted with a dilemma;
Can a man and a woman be friends after having sex, without the it getting in the way??

A very entertaining enriching and timeless film
about the relationship between men and women
that was directed by the 'Meathead' Rob Reiner...
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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156MB Married With Children - EarthAngel+~23:11 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1987)~Season 2 Episode 12 - with Dawn Merrick :razz: as Tiffany~



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{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 23:11 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

There's a new light in the neighborhood when Bud brings home a sexy,
free spirited, 21-year-old artist named Tiffany who's on her way to art school.
Everyone likes her except Marcy, as Tiffany steals the lustful attentions of Steve...
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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105MB Penelope Cruz + Anna Galiena - JamonJamon-+~13:46 HQ~SD 576p

105MB Penelope Cruz + Anna Galiena - JamonJamon-+~13:46 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1992)~'Jamon Jamon' winner of the Silver Lion Award, Venice film festival~



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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 13:46 22050kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:
(((Spanish audio)))
BTW; Penelope was just 17y/o during the movie's filming!

Jose Luis is an executive at his parents underwear factory
where his girlfriend Sylvia~Penelope :razz: works on the shop
floor. Sylvia becomes pregnant and Jose promises her that
he will marry her, against the wishes of his mother. Jose's
meddling mother is determined on breaking-up her son's
engagement to Sylvia, because she's from a lower-class family.
So she hires Raul, a potential underwear model and would-be
bullfighter to seduce Sylvia away from Jose. Anna Galiena :razz:
portrays a prostitute his mother hires to seduce Jose away from Sylvia...
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Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Celebrity Videos - cleaned

176MB Sabrina Seyvecou & Coralie Revel - SecretThings+~18:32 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 2002)~Secret Things aka; Choses Secretes, French audio with English subtitles~




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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 18:32 32000kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

Two young women find themselves struggling to make a living in
Paris. Nathalie~Coralie :razz: a stripper & an innocent lesbian barmaid
Sandrine~Sabrina :razz: They both discover that sex can be used to their
advantage for pleasure & profit after they both find jobs at the office of
a large bank. Where bored under-stimulated executives are easy pickings.
After making their way though several layers of executives at the bank with
destructive & lucrative results until they approach Christophe, the son of the
bank president. What Sandrine doesn't know is that Christophe is an immoral
sex-fiend whose last two lovers set themselves on fire after he rejected them.
A connoisseur of high-class orgies, Christophe is only interested in a new girl
to satisfy the sexual appetites of those at the orgies. In Christophe, Sandrine's
found a lover who knows all her wiles & will challenge her love for Nathalie
& in Sandrine, Nathalie finds new levels of ecstasy that she's never experienced.
The stripper, Nathalie turns out to be Christophe's kinky sister Charlotte & when
they're father dies Christophe & Charlotte become a forbidden~incestuous couple
& the innocent lesbian barmaid Sandrine, is taken below by men & gangbanged...
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Aug 25, 2005
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Celebrity Videos - cleaned
