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Eugenie Bouchard


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
Birth Name: Eugenie Bouchard
Age: 19, born 25 February 1994
Born and residing in:
Height: 5' 10"
About: Eugenie "Genie" Bouchard (born February 25, 1994) is a Canadian professional tennis player. On May 27, 2013, she reached her highest WTA singles ranking of 77. In 2012, Bouchard became the first Canadian ever to win a Grand Slam in singles after her win at Wimbledon as a junior. She also achieved a career high junior rank of No. 2 following her title. Bouchard has been working part-time with former Wimbledon runner-up Nathalie Tauziat of France since June 2011. Bouchard is currently Canada's highest-ranked women's singles player.

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