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April Florio


Fap Fap Fap Fap
Staff Alumn
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
April Florio is a Kindergarten teaching assistant who has appeared in magazines such as MAXIM, PEOPLE, TWIST, STEPPIN' OUT, and others!

Florio has been working as a model/actress/singer/dancer/almost anything you could imagine from the ripe age of eleven until the August 2003 shoot with MAXIM where she was voted one of top ten most beautiful girls next door.

In April's own words "I have the body and face of a woman, but the mind of a man..." which goes to show you that this Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania girl has her eyes on the prize...

In a supposedly exclusive interview, April Florio, 22, was quoted as saying Brad, 41, took her on several dates after meeting her in Greece during last summer's filming for Oceans 12.

Flame haired Florio was said to have told how Brad -- who was still with Jennifer Aniston at the time -- even tried to kiss her! The mag printed bizarre photos of the pair supposedly walking together around Europe -- in which Brad was apparently wearing a wig -- as evidence of their so-called "connection".
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